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Skype 8.80 Enables Users to Make 911 Calls

In a piece of latest news, Microsoft has released it’s latest version of Skype with amazing and fascinating features. The latest version of Skype enables users to make emergency calls if they are residents of the US.

The Skype 8.80

Microsoft has released Skype version 8.80. The Skype 8.80 comes with the ability to make 911 calls if the users are in the US. According to latest reports first noticed by XDA Developers, the app’s release notes list its new emergency calling support in the United States for both PC and mobile.

In addition to being able to dial emergency services for you, the app can also automatically detect and share your location with emergency operators.

Availing the Feature

To enable 911 emergency location sharing:

  • In Skype, select your profile picture.
  • Select Settings, then select Privacy.
  • Turn 911 emergency location sharing on.
  • You will need to acknowledge the Notices & Disclosures and the Special 911 Warning of Limitations & Unavailability to complete the process. You can disable 911 emergency location sharing at any time, but this means your address will not be shared with 911 in case of an emergency.

Moreover, the company included a disclaimer in the Skype support page that the app will only share your location if you dialed 911 for the purpose of calling emergency responders to where you are. Of course, you must be using a device that can share your location, and you must be in a place where sharing is available for the feature to work.

Working on Emergency Features

Skype has never supported emergency calling in the past, and this new ability could be especially useful if you have access to a computer but not to a mobile phone. Location sharing is switched off by default, though, and you’ll have to opt-in first. To do so, click on your profile picture on Skype, go to Privacy under Settings to toggle on 911 emergency location sharing. You can switch it off anytime you want.

The new emergency calling capability is now available for Skype on Windows, Mac, Linux, the Web, Android, iPhone and iPad.

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