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Kasada Launches New-Age Bot Defense Platform with New Features


Kasada has launched its enhanced bot defense platform, which offers always-evolving protection, tamper-proof data collection, and augmented, data-driven attack insights.”

Bot detection systems that have been traditionally used are no longer effective in protecting against modern bot attacks and online frauds such as account takeover. As a result, businesses using such systems have experienced significant revenue losses, with only 19% of them retaining their efficacy a year after deployment. This highlights the need for more advanced and up-to-date bot management solutions to be implemented by businesses.

Kasada has launched its enhanced bot defense platform, which offers always-evolving protection, tamper-proof data collection, and augmented, data-driven attack insights.

App to Secure and Adapt to Changing Strategies of Attackers

One of the main reasons for the increase in bot attacks is that traditional security measures are not able to distinguish between bots and humans, as bots can easily use fake data to appear human. Furthermore, these security measures are slow to adapt to the changing tactics of bot attackers. As a result, there has been a significant rise in the use of inexpensive bots-as-a-service that can bypass traditional anti-bot systems and CAPTCHAs.

Kasada has implemented new layers of resilience within its cyber architecture to safeguard against modern methods of attack evasion.

Always-evolving protection:

  • Defenses are randomized across the architecture to make bypassing the solution more difficult and expensive, as the defense is never the same.

Tamper-proof data collection:

  • System-wide data integrity checks ensure the security of client-side data collection by forcing attackers to run their code in real-time. This exposes their true nature, and provides a secure and reliable solution for data integrity. 

Insight and ease-of-use:

  • Get detailed insights on vital attacks with analytics. Includes classification, filtering, drill-down, and 12 months of data retention.
  • Quickly deploy across your entire online perimeter with seamless integrations to any CDN without requiring model training or customization.

“The line between legal bot abuse and illegal online fraud has blurred and the barrier to entry for adversaries has lowered,” said Sam Crowther, founder and CEO of Kasada. “The result is that the most sophisticated bot attacks are now becoming commonplace for businesses of all sizes and industries. Our latest platform upgrade demonstrates our commitment to the ongoing innovation that’s necessary to stay ahead of dynamic adversaries, who are constantly collaborating and pivoting quickly.”

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