“Google has released an update to its Google Political Content Policy content policy, asking election campaign marketers to disclose clearly if they used AI in the advertisement.”
The nostalgia of artificial intelligence (AI) looks like a never-ending phenomenon. Today, AI is being used in sectors where you would have never bothered to think. A recent example of the use of artificial intelligence has come up in election campaigns. It may have been beyond imagination for a while, but today it has become evident.
As per sources, Google has released an update to its political content policy, asking election campaign marketers to disclose clearly if they used AI in the advertisement.
The political content policy update is to take effect mid-November, a year ahead of the US presidential election 2024, which could be the first election cycle where AI would be playing a key role in campaigning.
What does this policy include?
Google’s policy says election advertisers verified by the company will have to disclose if they used AI in their ad to make it appear that the person said, or did something that they didn’t. Also, if they used AI to modify “footage of a real event or generate a realistic portrayal of an event to depict scenes that did not actually take place.”
The divulgence applies to images, audio, and video content and has to be placed in a conspicuous and clear location where users are driven.
How Lawmakers are Reacting to the Use of AI in Ads?
The GOP aired a 30-second commercial after President Joe Biden announced his intention to run for re-election. The GOP described the commercial as an “AI-generated look into the country’s possible future if Joe Biden is re-elected in 2024.”
Following the GOP ad, Rep. Yvette D. Clarke, D-N.Y., brought a bill asking for disclosures about AI in election ads.
Rep. Yvette D. Clarke said, “The upcoming 2024 election cycle will be the first time in U.S. history where AI-generated content will be used in political ads by campaigns, parties, and Super PACs. If AI-generated content can manipulate and deceive people on a large scale, it can have devastating consequences for our national security and election security.”