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Omicron Vs Moderna Booster: How the US is Preparing for the Whole New Threat

Key Highlights:

  • Omicron is more transmissible than the delta variant.
  • Pfizer reduces the risk of Omicron by 30%
  • Scientists are saying that a third shot is the best way to ward off omicron

Last month in South Africa, a new coronavirus variant called the Omicron was first identified. The Omicron variant is quickly spreading in Europe and North America. Surprisingly, this coronavirus variant has an exceptionally high number of mutations which appear to be more transmissible than the delta variant.

Scientists are speculating that being infected is like an extra dose of the vaccine and the infection will help the immune system to learn how to fight off the COVID-19. It works similar to a vaccine.

Omicron Vs Moderna

Moderna has not yet confirmed how effective the vaccine is against the Omicron variant. The Chairman of Moderna, Noubar Afeyan stated, “The omicron threat is to be taken seriously and we should know more about the effectiveness of its vaccine this week against the variant.”

With the new Omicron variant, people have been searching for the most talked-about COVID booster. Over 24 million (as of 14th Dec 2021) in the US have received the Moderna Vaccine booster, according to the CDC, and is anticipated to be the key in the fight against the new virus variant. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the chief medical adviser to President Joe Biden, has been recommending the booster shot to get optimally protected from the virus.

The US Tackling the Omicron Variant

There is a gradual rise in US cases of the Omicron variant is supporting the speculations of concern for weakened protection despite being fully vaccinated with two doses of the Moderna and Pfizer vaccine or one of Johnson & Johnson. It was stated that around 80% of the confirmed US cases with the mutated virus were fully vaccinated, while the third of the cases had received the booster shot—although some may have not been boosted in time to be fully protected before being infected with the omicron variant.

Moderna is currently studying the Omicron variant and the effectiveness of the virus. If there is a requirement for a new vaccine for the novel variant, the same can be expected by 2022.

What are health professionals saying?

  • Booster shots of Moderna/Pfizer could help slow the spread of the COVID virus reducing the need for hospitalization & death
  • Booster shots recommended for anyone over 18, six months after their second dose of Moderna/Pfizer, or two months after the single Johnson & Johnson dose.

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