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Colette, A Documentary Film, Wins the Video Game Industry’s First Oscar

This year’s Academy Award for the best documentary has been received by Colette, a short film included in the OculusVR Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond (Short Subject). It is the first time that a video game industry film has received an Oscar, which is presented by Oculus Studios and Electronic Arts‘ Respawn Entertainment.

Directed by Anthony Giacchino, the French resilient Colette is back in Germany to visit a slave labour camp in which her brother was killed. If you watch it in the Oculus TV app or anywhere, the documentary is shown in a conventional 2D format.

“The true hero is Colette herself, who shared her story with honesty and courage,” says production manager Mike Doran at Oculus Studios in a statement. He added, “As we see in the film, resistance takes courage, but facing one’s past may take even more. Allowing us to preserve this pilgrimage for future generations was a true act of bravery and trust. We hope this award and the film’s reach means, as Colette says, that Jean-Pierre’s memory, as well as all of those who resisted, are no longer lost in the ‘Night and Fog’ of Dora.”

Medal of Honour: Above and beyond was not well received as a video game with many reviews that emphasise its enormous device specifications, and 170GB of download – many of them because detailed historical and documentary images were included. Now that one of those films won an Oscar, it seems that the project might get its due positive attention.

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