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Twitter’s New reporting tool increases reports by 50 %

Twitter has introduced new reporting tool. Now with the new features of Twitter, reporting is very easy for everyone. The company felt the need after receiving “actionable reports“. They started testing the new process after that. Twitter has launched new tweet-reporting tools and now it’s available for everyone.

The New Reporting Tool

Twitter is trying to make its platform a better place than before. Among many other changes they made in this attempt, one update that came into people’s attention. That was the new way to report harmful tweets which was previously not available. Thus, making the new reporting tool useful.

In December the company first began testing the new process for reporting harmful tweets. They said it was their attempt to take a “people first” approach that would make it easier to flag tweets.

Earlier, Twitter’s reporting process required users to navigate through a series of menus to identify the specific rule they believed had been broken. This was a confusing process not only for people new on Twitter but also for those who are in Twitter for a long time and are familiar with Twitter’s policies. This often resulted in problematic tweets not being properly flagged. Sometimes just because the actual option was not available, a specific tweet was not reported.

The new system

The newly designed process of the new reporting tool in the beginning asks the reporter to describe “what happened,”. Now they don’t have to guess which rule may have been broken. As a result, reporting tweets has become easy. Twitter gives users more options for reporting hate speech. The new system was updated six months ago in December. According to Twitter it is already giving good results. The rate of “actionable reports” has increased by 50 percent.

Now it will be very interesting to see how the new reporting system by making Reporting easy for people makes Twitter a better place.  As number of reports are increasing we can expect that the number of harmful Tweets will decrease day by day.

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