The world is going to see nearly 20 billion connected devices by 2020. IoT is in focus so we can safely say that the potential for revenues that can be earned with billing systems around the world will also rise.
But customers want billing to be attuned so that the services they pay correspond with the services they use. In such a context there is a growing need for billing systems that will be specialized and flexible enough to cater to these customer requirements.
Ever since its establishment in 1998, LogiSense has strived to become the industry leader among the real-time usage rating and subscription billing solution providers.
Built around Flavio Gomes’s vision, the company has come to be known for providing a complete rating and billing flexibility. The increasing presence of IoT has only been a boon to LogiSense because it specializes in monetizing IoT information transactions. The company’s growth has come hand-in-hand with the growth of IoT.
Launched by LogiSense, its EngageIP platform has come to be recognized as the world’s foremost usage rating and subscription-based billing solution.
EngageIP has one of the strongest partners in Salesforce, the world’s leading CRM software provider. It works in conjunction with the EngageIP platform to monetize any service or subscription, over any medium and from any provider.
The EngageIP platform provides all the aspects that are desired from such a platform – usage rating, mediation and billing to customer self-care. It is a real-time solution that supports a wide range of business models. This increases the number of services by fine-tuning their client’s business practices.
All this is because innovation is the essence of EngageIP. This also generates new revenue streams which in return ensure longevity and an air of relevance in a rapidly evolving and changing market.
Augmenting IoT
IoT is a fickle but disruptive market. Developments are being made in the scheme of IoT things in a fact-finding and in a searching manner for future applications. In such a scenario, service providers need to have billing systems that will support these new technologies and business models.
LogiSense is a billing provider that outdoes its competition in this field because it has a clear understanding of the use cases and economic drivers of the IoT world.
LogiSense has been engaging with clients in the IoT industry for many years now where they have been solving the most complicated business model challenges for service providers and developers.
They provide vertical solutions that assist network operators to improve their IoT services and also help enterprises to reduce costs associated with their operations. They have partnered with the leading IoT and M2M service providers like Numerex, Core and xMatters and eleven-X.
Scaling up!
LogiSense is almost two decades old now and is growing all parts of its business. It is providing billing solutions to IoT, telecommunications, Unified Communications and Enterprise service providers.
With a platform like EngageIP, LogiSense is winning hearts across the globe where it processes billions of usage events every year and subscriptions single every month.
Awarded and Appreciated
Back in 2015, LogiSense was conferred with Internet Telephony Product of the year award by TMC Global for its EngageIP platform for its revolutionary billing and rating excellence.“It gives me great pleasure to recognize LogiSense with the 2015 Product of the Year Award for its commitment to excellence and innovation,” Rich Tehrani – CEO, TMC.
In 2017, EngageIP received the 2017 IoT Excellence Award in Innovation from TMC and Crossfire Media. This award honors innovative products that support the availability of information being deduced and gathered from sensors, systems, and anything else that is supporting better business and personal decisions. Top of Form
Visionary Extraordinaire
Flavio Gomes, CEO and Founder of LogiSense
Mr. Gomes is a serial entrepreneur and a visionary in the field of technology. He has twenty years of experience in directing and leading the delivery of products to big communication providers and enterprises in the Telecom industry, UCaaS, digital business marketplace and IOT.
He leads a team of highly skilled professionals at LogiSense to bring about his vision of enabling digital transformation leading to Usage Economy, which is the dynamic combination of usage-based billing models and subscription-based models. This will allow businesses to monetize any triggered events that will motivate the revenue profits, seek knowledge and leverage significant competitive advantage in the marketplace.
“A dynamic convergence of subscription and usage billing models where service providers monetize in real-time any triggered event in the connected world and gain a significant competitive advantage.”
“LogiSense enables service providers to cost-effectively manage millions of devices while helping to deliver a better customer experience.”
“LogiSense solution provides a flexible set of subscription, one-time and usage-based billing models for any conceivable product or service.”