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AfrikRising: We provide assistance of basic necessities, services and education to the underserved in Africa

AfrikRising was founded by a group of friends to assist with improving the state of Africa. Christine Reidhead, Founder and CEO, shared her experience about her humanitarian trip in Mexico. She told us how she was motivated to set up the company, by stating, “At that point, I realized the poverty level in both, Mexico and Africa was tremendous. I am passionate about serving in Mexico, but saw the great need in Africa, as well. If you take the poorest country in the world, and from that country, take the poorest kids, you have twenty million orphans. So, our focus was to build a nonprofit organization that would help serve the orphans’ basic needs while also trying to provide something sustainable for them.”

The nonprofit organization had its first project in Nigeria, Africa where mosquito nets were provided and cleaning supplies were a preference. This orphanage is capable of providing food for children but faces challenges with maintaining the building, cleaning products, water, etc. It is observed that a minimum of three thousand children die of malaria and if homes lack proper windows and mosquito nets, children are at a greater risk. Malaria increases the medical cost along with creating health issues for children. AfrikRising is happy that its first project was a great success.

Africa is a corrupt country while it is even harder for educated people to find jobs. Bread earners should have a trade or skill to work for the survival of their family. AfrikRising is presently looking to develop a Trade School in Nigeria, Africa. AfrikRising Vice President, Dr. Peter Romine, stated, “Part of our approach is to work with our African colleagues to build sustainable programs for training marketable skills so graduates can immediately start producing income. We see this as a model that can be duplicated in other places.” This will allow those who are unable to obtain work, to come learn a trade at a discounted price, and hopefully allows them to get on their feet. With this Trade School model, Africans will be teaching Africans. AfrikRising Board Member, Nwaokonko U chenna Henry, stated, “A trade school in Africa will help eliminate poverty by equipping its citizens with the right and marketable vocational skills through they can be self-reliant.” AfrikRising hopes that students will be able to help themselves get out of poverty.  “We want to focus on providing a hand up, not a hand out, so they will be able to gain a much-needed skill.  We feel this will provide a great impact,” Christine Reidhead.

AfrikRising considers the following as the assets of their organization:

Nigeria Team – Henry and Emmanuel have been with AfrikRising from day one and have done an awesome job. They are great assets to the team. The organization has valued their opinions and perspectives

US Team – AfrikRising has a great team in New Mexico. It is planning to push fundraising to provide the necessary funds to start the trade school and its projects with The Potter’s Village in Ghana

Ghana Team – Albert and his team in Ghana are just starting, but AfrikRising sees some great partnerships forming there and see some great things happening in the future in Ghana

Orphanages – The company says, “We wouldn’t be where we are without these sweet, adorable children. We do what we do for them and because of them”

Schools – These schools are suffering, as the children need supplies, clothing, and food to be able to survive. This also gives AfrikRising a great opportunity to serve

When asked about how consistent the company’s growth is they replied, “Our consistent growth will depend on the donors as they make it possible to expand and help even more children that are suffering.”

Christine explains how difficult it is to start a nonprofit venture and be consistent, “Oh, it is very difficult, both to start the organization, and to maintain it. In order to maintain a nonprofit organization, there needs to be funding. We are working on some fundraising strategies that will help sustain AfrikRising now and in the future. Our team is really working hard to push this initiative forward. We are passionate about our cause and really making a difference in this world. I am grateful for our team and all their hard work and effort to help make this happen.”

AfrikRising is well on their way to providing a tremendous impact to African countries.

Greet the lady behind the success of AfrikRising

Christine Reidhead is a Benson, Arizona native. She is the youngest of five children and was a top athlete in basketball, volleyball, softball and tennis during her high school days. She received her Masters of Science in Accountancy from the University of Phoenix. Christine is the mother of two teenage boys, who are the best things that ever happened to her. They are her pride and joy. “Nothing compares to the joy of being a mother.” Christine has worked at a tribal college, Navajo Technical University, for many years and certainly enjoys it. She just finished a twelve-episode podcast series on the Tribal College Movement with Tom Davis. Christine just published her first book called, ACE THAT JOB! How to Ace a Job Interview – every time! She is the Founder and CEO of AfrikRising.

“We are a nonprofit organization addressing hunger in

Africa and focuses on the starving African child.”

“AfrikRising completes its first mission by protecting children from malaria.”